Good company makes the home warmer. No words are truer but we feel even good company needs a little help to make the home warmer, more fun, and the go-to place whenever you want to be in your Happy space. We have picked out a few things you can try to make your home better.
1. Pick the tight colour
At ledger paints, we live life in colour, so this is our first tip for you. Pick the colour that is right for you and the mood you intend to set for your home. With the right shade, a small space can feel larger and more accommodating, likewise, a large space can feel more purposeful and more intimate. Changing the feel of a room doesn’t always mean tearing down the wall simple colour can create the right mood always.
2. Display Pictures in a different way
The first thing to come to mind is frames. But no! while they are good, we`d recommend a photo wire. Frames tend to add to clutter. A pot wire is a unique alternative that takes up a small part of your valuable space.
3. Make use of colourful holders
Do away with taping or sticking papers to walls and on the side of your computer. Use colourful holders to keep all those memos. Switch it up by using uplifting messages as a means to display these holders.
4. Pot plants bring life to your space.
Green plants are a great way to brighten up your space. Plants create a balance in your workspace and keep you in touch with a peaceful less hectic part of life. This also helps you accomplish something without fail every day “Have you watered it today? No? Check!”
5. Decorate Your Boards.
For some the home also doubles as the office. To make the space fun still add a little colour to your vision board to liven up that business white. This will give your workstation a bit of personality. Take the heavy sighs out of seeing all those meetings you have and face your vision board with a smile.
6. Motivation artefacts.
Be it a coffee mug or a welcome home mat. Boost the appearance of your home and your mood by swapping out the blank spaces or company-issued calendars for something more personal and uplifting (not saying the old company logo isn’t)
7. Awaken the inner child in you it will help.
This is your home, as such, it should take on the different personalities and moods you enjoy most. A life-size teddy, a music room, or simply mixed covers for the sofas will welcome you every time you walk in. It is possible to have your own space welcome you and uplift your spirits always.
Your home is your sanctuary and we believe you have the power to make it the best sanctuary yet. Ledger paints have dedicated itself to providing the right mood-setting paint shades for you. No colour is beyond our mixing capabilities and no home is too big for us to transform. Get in touch with us on +263 86 7700 8093 or visit our website www.ledgerpaints.co.zw to get more tips and help with your home and business projects.
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